
The company Combusbrito Combustiveis, Lda, located in Sitio da Falfosa, Faro is pleased to inform all clients that from the present date sells and distributes the fuel, BP Mazoote Plus, for all the Algarve, from the coast line up to the interior.

 We would like to introduce this company to you as a company which goals are the quality, the accuracy and the celerity to our customers. Our expectation is to become your business partner in the area of products and services especially designed to make your life easier. You just only have to choose the option that suits you or your business the better and leave the rest to us.
We assure the delivery within 48H. maximum

 BP Mazoote Plus is especially suitable for:
- Central heating
- Water heating
- Pool heating
- Greenhouses heating
- Industrial ovens
The advantages:
- Higher efficiency and lower consumption
- More respect for the environment, less polluting due the reduced amount of sulfur and produces less amount of Co2, environmentally friendly
- Larger equipment protection generates longer useful life
- Lower emission of fumes
- Neutral odor
- Do not freeze – guarantee of perfect function even in the coldest days

 A guarantee identifier BP assures you the quality and authenticity of this product

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